Our History

Founded in 1942, the Mississippi Trucking Association is a non-profit corporation operating as a trade association.  The state trucking association represents the Mississippi motor carrier industry in the advancement of highway transportation and serves as the "Voice of Trucking" in this state.

The Association maintains headquarters and offices in its own building two blocks from the State Capitol in Jackson, Mississippi.  It conducts activities for the improvement of trucking service to the public and sponsors programs in the public interest for the betterment of the trucking industry.  MTA represents an industry that is the sole transporter of consumer goods and manufactured products to most of the state's communities.

The Mississippi Trucking Association's membership consists of more than 300 member firms that include for-hire and private truck operators and allied industry members (those that equip and service the industry).

The Mississippi Trucking Association is an affiliate of the American Trucking Associations.